Design Process
The majority of projects involve the re-modelling a substantial part of a garden, with structural landscape works and planting. The processes below would be typical of such a design, but stages may be omitted on smaller/less complicated schemes. The common factor in all cases is a professional service and attention to detail.
Initial consultation: an initial informal discussion to identify the scope of the works.
Site survey and analysis: a site visit and assessment of the existing garden. Depending on the scale and complexity of the scheme, a levels survey may be commissioned.
Sketch design: an outline of the proposals showing the arrangement of the main elements, character of the planting, options for materials etc.
Client meeting to discuss the proposals: presentation of scheme, client review and discussion of options.
Detailed design: development of the sketch proposals into detailed package of the works for use by a contractor. Package may include schedule of works, written specifications and plant schedules.
Tender process: documents are issued for pricing by an objective selection of contractors who are trustworthy and reliable. Upon receipt of prices, a report is prepared which advises on the appointment of the contractor.
Project management: As part of her commitment to quality, Liz personally oversees the construction of the garden. This ensures that the works are carried out in accordance with the approved plans and the project is delivered within the agreed timescale.
Maintenance: However successful the design, a garden will only reach its full potential if it is maintained correctly. If required, Liz will re-visit schemes to check on their progress, and can give guidance on the maintenance and management of any garden or estate.